Black Kite

on January 8 | in Eagles+, Kites | by | with No Comments

Black kite – Milvus migrans – is a medium-sized Raptor of the family Accipitridae, Order Accipitriformes and is of Type – diurnal-raptor. It has a huge range across Temperate and Tropical Eurasia, sub-Saharan Africa and Australia. In the AWB Region it is a summer visitor across the Maghreb-Atlas, the Anatolian plateau into the southern Caucasus and across northern Iran. It winters in E Iran, Iraq and patchily across the Levant. However its main wintering range is sub-Saharan Africa.

Type – diurnal-raptor
Habitat Summer: Riparian woodlands and forests with open areas, grassland, fields for foraging
Habitat Nest: In tree canopy, sometimes cliffs, often in loose colonies, made of twigs etc
Habitat Winter: Riparian woodlands and forests

Order..: Accipitriformes
Family.: Accipitridae
Genus..: Milvus

Species: Milvus migrans
Black Kite – Species –
Black Kite – Species Factsheet –
Black Kite – Species Sheet –
Black Kite – Species Account –
Black Kite – Range & Calls –

Additional Material…
Black Kite – Images –
Black Kite – Video –
Black Kite – Redlist Status –

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