Barn swallow

on October 20 | in Swallows, Swallows+ | by | with Comments Off on Barn swallow

Barn swallow – Hirundo rustica – is a large migratory Cosmopolitan swallow of Type – aerialist, Family Hirundinidae and Order Passeriformes. Apart from the Arctic and Antarctic Regions, the Barn Swallow has a truly extensive cosmopolitan range. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to the coastal areas of the Maghreb states and also the coastal areas of Libya, the Levant, Syria, Cyprus, Turkey, S Caucasus, Iraq, Iran and the Hormuz area of Oman. There are a few small Resident ranges in the S Levant, Sinai and adjacent Nile Delta and Nile Valley, and coastal Algeria. In s s Africa only the extreme S of Chad and Djibouti, and the whole of Somalia is in its main wintering range.

Type - aerialist - typically nests in human settlements,
Summer Habitat - open country near water, particularly farmlands with adjacent structures for nesting
Winter Habitat - avoids deserts and forested areas, 

Order:	Passeriformes
Family:	Hirundinidae
Genus:	Hirundo

Species -	Hirundo rustica
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