Indian pond-heron

on June 28 | in Herons+, Pond-herons | by | with Comments Off on Indian pond-heron

The Indian pond-heron – Ardeola grayii is a small heron of the wading-bird Family Ardeidae and the Order Pelecaniformes. It is localized to India and a few adjacent suitable habitats. In the AWB Region it is resident on the S coast of Iran from the straits of Hormuz to Gujarat, there is also a small population on the Omani and UAE side of the straits.

Type - wading-bird - typically solitary, nests in small colonies, occasionally roosts communally
Resident Habitat - small wetlands. pond edges, rubbish-tips, wet grassy areas, floating-plants, 

Order:   Pelecaniformes
Family:  Ardeidae
Genus:  Ardeola

Species - Ardeola grayii
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